Serious Games

Following the runaway launch at Euroanaesthesia 2022, Serious Games are back in Glasgow!

At the ESAIC, we believe that innovation in medical education is the way forward. Designed by a team of experts in Simulation in collaboration with the ESAIC Scientific Committee, Serious Games introduce a new learning methodology, using specifically designed games and structured debriefs to ensure the predefined learning objectives are met.

Do you want to be challenged? Do you prefer to learn through action rather than through your ears?

Learn teamwork, leadership, crisis resource management and guideline updates in a fun and stimulating environment!

Do not wait to register and join us in the Serious Games as we encounter clinical dilemmas and work as a team to build management plans on our educational action-packed journey!

Access to Serious Games is upon pre-registration (seats are limited) and only available to delegates registered for the physical congress in Glasgow.

No prior gaming or simulation experience necessary.

Serious Games Programme

Paediatric Anaesthesia Serious Games
€ 100 including 20% UK VAT



Obstetric Anaesthesia Serious Game
€ 100 including 20% UK VAT



Ventilation Serious Game
€ 100 including 20% UK VAT



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