News Media and Public Relations Policy

ESAIC welcomes the interest of the press in anaesthesiology and intensive care medicine and is happy to assist journalists attending Euroanaesthesia 2024 from 25-27 May 2024 or using the congress website as a resource in their coverage of anaesthesia and intensive care.


The conference is open to bona fide representatives of print and electronic media. Registration is free of charge to journalists who are in possession of a valid, recognised press card. In addition, freelance journalists must present a commissioning letter from a recognised news organisation or publication on a headed paper.

A copy of the press card or the commissioning letter should be sent, together with the media registration form, to the Marketing and Communication Department in charge of communications at Euroanaesthesia 2024 before 24 May.

The media registration form can be filled in by clicking HERE

The original press card or commissioning letter must also be presented with a valid passport or ID card at the conference registration desk.

Journalists must register in person. Applications for media registration made via pharmaceutical, marketing or public relations companies will not be considered. Media registration from representatives of CME publications is restricted to two people per publication only. Additional representatives should register as delegates.

Media registration in advance is strongly recommended. This enables us to deal with any queries or problems in advance.

Representatives of public relations companies, advertising agencies, marketing companies, pharmaceutical companies and their publications are not permitted to register as journalists or to work in the press room. PR representatives from other organisations, whether commercial or non-commercial, cannot register to work in the press office.

Information regarding media registrations belongs to ESAIC. Therefore, past and current media lists cannot be given, rented, or sold.


Please respect embargo times and dates on news stories.

Most of the Euroanaesthesia 2024 abstracts will go up online on the congress website approximately one month before the congress at and can be reported from then onwards. However, abstracts that will form part of the media programme will not be published until the day of their presentation at the congress and will be embargoed until a time on that day.

Please check with the Marketing and Communication department in charge of communications at Euroanaesthesia 2024 for information about the exact times of embargoes on these abstracts.

Embargo dates and times will be marked on any press releases.

Journalists are requested to ensure that those consulted understand and accept the embargo conditions when asking for outside comment on releases before the embargo has lifted.

Official media materials will be available at Euroanaesthesia 2024 to registered journalists only.

Third-party press events and material

Companies wishing to organise a news conference during the Congress should send a request in writing to the Marketing and Communication department in charge of communications and press relations during Euroanaesthesia 2024.

It is not permitted to schedule press events on or off-site to coincide with key Euroanaesthesia 2024 sessions.

There are two types of media materials and events permitted at Euroanaesthesia 2024:

  1. Those that pertain to presentations being made to the meeting in oral or poster sessions;
  2. Those related to products/services offered by companies exhibiting at the meeting.

1. Media materials pertaining to presentations in oral or poster sessions

The programme for any third-party news conference should be submitted to and agreed upon by the Marketing and Communication department in charge of communication and media relationships at Euroanaesthesia 2024 before invitations are sent out. This applies to any media event, regardless of whether it is held on or off-site.

Third-party press releases must be labelled clearly with the abstract number, time and date of presentation to the congress and submitted to and agreed upon by the Marketing and Communication department in charge of communication and media relationships at Euroanaesthesia 2024 before they are issued to the media. Furthermore, third-party press releases relating to any abstracts being held back for publication online on the day of presentation to the congress (i.e. those that form part of the official media programme) must be embargoed to the exact date and time that on the official press release. Please check with the Marketing and Communication department for information about the exact times of embargoes on these abstracts.

Studies that form part of the official Euroanaesthesia media programme cannot be included by third parties in their news briefings before the official Euroanaesthesia news briefing if any.

Third-party media materials (including press releases, invitations, flyers and posters) must not contain the Euroanaesthesia logo. In addition, they must not be presented in any way that could be construed as suggesting endorsement by Euroanaesthesia.

ESAIC does not make media lists available to third-party organisations.

2. Media materials relating to products/services offered by exhibiting companies

Media materials that do not relate to an oral or poster presentation to the meeting and instead are designed to give information about products that exhibiting companies wish to promote at the meeting are permitted on two conditions:

  1. they are submitted to and approved by the Marketing and Communication department before the start of the meeting, and
  2. they are distributed from the exhibitors’ stalls.

They will not be permitted to be displayed on the stand outside the official Euroanaesthesia press office.

These media materials must not contain the Euroanaesthesia logo and must not be presented in any way that could be construed as suggesting endorsement by Euroanaesthesia.

National societies and organisations’ press events

Any national society or local organisation planning to organise press activities must inform the Marketing and Communication department immediately. The programme for any national society or local organisation’s news conference should be submitted to and agreed upon by the Marketing and Communication department before invitations are sent out. This applies to any media event, regardless of whether it is held on or off-site.

National societies and organisations’ press releases must be labelled clearly with the abstract number, time and date of presentation to the congress and submitted to and agreed upon by the Marketing and Communication department before they are issued to the media. If the press release is not in English, an outline of a few sentences in English will be requested.

National societies and organisations’ press releases relating to any abstracts that are being held back for publication online on the day of presentation to the congress (i.e. those that form part of the official media programme) must be embargoed to the same date and time as that on the official press release. Please check with the Marketing and Communication department for information about the exact times of embargoes on these abstracts. They must be submitted to and agreed upon by the Marketing and Communication department before they can be issued to the media.

Studies that form part of the official Euroanaesthesia media programme cannot be included by third parties in their news briefings before the official Euroanaesthesia news briefing if any.

Suppose the media event and/or press release for a national society or local organisation is unrelated to a specific abstract or scientific session. In that case, the content must be discussed with the Marketing and Communication department and approved by her before any plans are finalised or media invitations issued.

National societies and organisations’ press materials are prohibited inside the official Press Room or news conference room.

National societies and organisations’ media materials (including press releases, media invitations, flyers and posters) must not contain the Euroanaesthesia logo. Furthermore, they must not be presented in any way that could be construed as suggesting endorsement by Euroanaesthesia.

Euroanaesthesia does not make media lists available to any third-party organisations.

Filming and recording

Filming and recording Euroanaesthesia 2024 sessions is allowed with the prior consent of the organisers.

Please get in touch with the Marketing and Communication department with any film or record session requests.

Photography, filming and recording will only be permitted in the official press conferences.

Euroanaesthesia does not authorise any commercial development with third parties of the content filmed and obtained during the Euroanaesthesia conference during sessions, at the exhibition area, during interactive sessions or anywhere within the Euroanaesthesia space.

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